Kilchreest National School

School Update (06/05/2020)

Dear Parents,

I hope you are all well. On behalf of the teachers, I would like to thank you all sincerely for your continued engagement with home learning. We appreciate the great work being done by parents and children and hope it will be a little easier now that you have the textbooks.
As you may have heard on the Taoiseach’s recent address, primary schools are to remain closed until September. It is very disappointing for everyone concerned. While we absorb this latest news, I just want to assure parents that we will continue to support children and parents as much as we can at this difficult time and over the coming months.

For Sixth Class students preparing to go into secondary school, it is particularly sad not being able to finish out their time with us and enjoy the end of year activities and celebrations in the normal way. I am currently liaising with the Secondary schools to ensure that all necessary paperwork is in order for their transition to secondary school. I will be in touch with Sixth Class parents soon in this regard.
To date, we have not received any information regarding the sacraments of Confirmation or First Holy Communion. As soon as we are notified of any developments we will let you know.

This week we have also received direction from the Department of Education that all standardised testing (Micra T/Sigma T/ Drumcondra tests) has been postponed for this year.
Our draft enrolment policy is on the website and I would ask you to have a look at it. Please let me know if there is anything you need clarified.

Thanks again for all your support and great work over the past number of weeks. Keep safe.

Kind regards
Mr O’Connor
Kilchreest National School
Co. Galway